Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day

We did it!!! We set up a "larger pool" and enjoyed the heat wave of the day! The boys loved being in the pool. We hope to enjoy quite a few more pool days this summer.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


The first picture here is actually on our flight home--The boys were fairly tired...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

trick and treat

Will and Jon both enjoyed going up to the doors of people's houses and saying "trick or treat"---- We had a good time walking through the neighborhood with Ethan, Ty, and Eli Bosch.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

yes we're adopting again........

I finally "gave in" to Will's deep longing for a puppy---It has been a long process, but came to this "end" when a colleague advertised that she had a small puppy to sell. I agonized and finally decided that maybe a small dog in western PA would work---you know, the snow and rain of most of the year----if, we got a small dog in the fall when we appear to have more sunshine. So, we found a puppy-3/4 cavalier and 1/4 shitzsu about 9 weeks old about an hour and a half drive north of us. I chose to keep the purchase of a puppy from Will, although I told Jonathan all about it!! He kept a GREAT secret. When we arrived at the breeder's house, I asked Will if he wold like to take "this puppy" home--his reply, complete with HUGE EYES AND and even larger smile, was: "We can take him home and keep him??? You are getting me a puppy? I love you mommy" So, we're home with Milo--Will is learning some responsibility and Jonathan is continuing to learn restraint.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First day of school

Will started first grade today! It is fun to experience the excitement of Will as he prepares to go to school. I confess that his excitement has made these beginning days at the college a wee bit more exciting for me.

In the last couple weeks of summer, Jon decided that he could be "superman" by turning his bib around, taking most clothing off and running around the back yard. The flip flops?? Any shoe but his works for Jon.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

summer vacation--2010

We're back in Beaver Falls after @ 6700 miles. Yes, we drove to CA--3 days there and 4 days back. The boys were fairly good most of the time although as the end of our drive came to a close, we were all very tired.....We came home to a freshly painted house (thanks Herb McCracken and family)--it seems that the house wasn't the only object rejuvenated......We went to Huntington Beach, Knotts Berry Farm, Medieval Times, Ashley and Ryan's wedding, swimming, miniature golf, zoo, church lake bbq, July 4th bbq and fireworks, family, Creation Museum, and much more. We all had a wonderful time and I'm including a few pictures to highlight the trip.
